Cows Help

Home Page

COWS is the Community Web Scheduler developed by the UC Davis School of Law. You can use the home page to search or filter for specific items, browse the event calendar and switch between different calendar views, subscribe to one or more events, log on to the system for the ability to request events, view event details, and create events.

Cows Main Toolbar

COWS toolbar The COWS main toolbar always appears at the upper left corner of the page. The toolbar may show or hide some of its buttons depending on what page you are viewing, whether you are logged in, and what rights you have.

Icon Action Description Available To
COWS toolbar Home button home Return to the COWS home page, displaying the calendar with your currently selected view and filter. Everyone
COWS toolbar Dashboard button dashboard Display a list of your currently requested events and announcements. Visit the Dashboard Help page for more info. Requesters
COWS toolbar New Item button new item Create a new request for an Event or Announcement depending on your rights. Visit the Event Help or Announcement Help page for more info. Requesters
COWS toolbar Subscribe button subscribe Subscribe to the currently displayed events in either Google Calendar or Outlook. This button only shows when you are on the home page. Visit the Subscription Help page for more info. Everyone
COWS toolbar Settings button settings Display the settings menu for site-wide Administrative control. Administrators
COWS toolbar Help button help Display this help home page, or a context-specific help page. Navigate help topics with the sidebar menu. Includes links to your COWS Departmental Contact and the COWS server home page. Everyone